

Your Care Is Our Priority

Beacon Health is committed to providing patient-centred care for all of our patients

These policies reflect our general expectations of our patients and their expectations for care in our office. If you have any concerns or questions, please discuss them with a staff member or with your doctor.


When you first register, you will be offered an introductory appointment with one of our physicians. Due to high patient demand and long waitlists, we do not allow multiple introductory appointments with different physicians. Once you have established care with a physician, we do not allow you to switch to another physician within the practice.

However, for urgent care visits, our patients may be offered an appointment with one of the other physicians within our team.

Routine appointments should be booked with your own family physician at the clinic. If possible, please let our administrative staff know the reason for your visit. This helps us to allocate the right amount of time for your appointment. Our doctors allocate 10-15 minutes for most standard appointments; please let us know if you think you require more time.


Use Of Walk In Clinics

Beacon Health is a mandated by the Ministry of Health to provide best access to personalized care and quality services. All of our doctors have a number of urgent appointment available daily. Additionally, the after hours clinic is available for urgent appointments in the evening 5pm- 8 pm Monday -Thursday and 10am-1 pm on Saturday. The Ministry of Health provides funding to the clinic on the basis that enrolled patients commit to receiving their care through Beacon Health rather than a walk in clinic, whenever possible. The use of walk in clinic services can result in a financial penalty for your doctor and the clinic. Please note, we do not receive medical records from walk in clinics and therefore have difficulty providing follow up comprehensive care.

We recognize that this model of care may not be suitable for everyone and that some patient may prefer to use walk in clinics. Please speak with your doctor if this is the case.

Cancellation/ Missed Appointment

We require cancellations to be made at least one business day prior to your appointment. This allows your appointment slot to become available for other patients who require care. If you miss an appointment or cancel with insufficient notice, you will be billed the cost of the visit.

Please arrive on time for your appointments

We value your time and will strive to see you at your scheduled appointment time. If you are late for your appointment, we may ask you to wait until the last patient has been seen, or you may be asked to reschedule.

Safe Space

We respect our patients of all backgrounds, religions, races, genders, sexualities, and beliefs. It is our intention to create a safe space and welcoming environment for all of our patients and staff. We ask that everyone attending the clinic behave in a respectful manner towards staff and other patients at all times. If a behavior is deemed to be at odds with this policy, we reserve the right to recommend a patient seek care elsewhere.

Uninsured Services

Some services, including sick notes, forms, driver's medicals, etc., are not covered by OHIP. You may be charged for them according to the rates recommended by the Ontario Medical Association. Please see the list of uninsured services available at our reception.

We will do our best to complete your forms in a timely manner. However, please allow 5-10 business days for any form to be completed.